Source code for _clockalarm.NotificationCenter

# ClockAlarm is a cross-platform alarm manager
# Copyright (C) 2017  Loïc Charrière, Samuel Gauthier
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import logging
import math
import threading
from collections import deque

import pygame
from PyQt5.QtCore import QRect

from _clockalarm.Notification import Notification
from _clockalarm.UI.NotificationWidget import NotificationWidget
from _clockalarm.utils.importExportUtils import get_default_config

[docs]class NotificationCenter(object): """Class handling the display of the Notification Widgets Receives the notifications to display and add it to a queue. If there is free slot on the UI display area, pop the queue and display the notification. If the user clicks on the widget, closes it and compacts the remaining widgets. """ def __init__(self, screen_geometry, parent=None): """Default NotificationCenter constructor Initialize the waiting queue and the list of displayed popups. Compute the maximum number of popup one can display on the screen. Attributes: screen_geometry (QRect): dimensions of the screen displaying the app parent (optional): parent class for NotificationCenter (usually main.App object) Exceptions: ValueError: In case of incorrect screen_geometry parameter """ super(NotificationCenter, self).__init__() if not isinstance(screen_geometry, QRect) or screen_geometry is None: raise ValueError("screen_geometry must be a QRect object") self.parent = parent self._screen_geometry = screen_geometry self._max_popups = math.floor((screen_geometry.height() * 0.9) / ( get_default_config("WIDGET_HEIGHT", "int") + get_default_config("WIDGET_PADDING", "int"))) # number of widget one can display with the given screen geometry self._popup_queue = deque([]) # list as a queue self._displayed_popups = [] self._lock = threading.RLock() # lock to protect the queue = self._screen_geometry.width() - get_default_config("WIDGET_WIDTH", "int") - 20 # x coordinate of the notification zone in pixels self.ay = round(self._screen_geometry.height() * 0.04) # y coordinate of the notification zone in pixels
[docs] def add_to_queue(self, notification): """Add a new notification to the queue The notification will wait till there is a free spot in the display zone Attributes: notification (Notification): The notification to add to enqueue Exceptions: ValueError: If the user try to add None or incorrect Notification object to the queue """ if not isinstance(notification, Notification) or notification is None: raise ValueError("Can't add None or corrupted Notification object") self._lock.acquire() self._popup_queue.append(notification) self._lock.release() self.refresh() # check if it's possible to directly display the notification
[docs] def refresh(self): """Refresh the display off notifications in the display zone Compact the remaining notifications in the display zone, if there is free slots, pop the notification queue and display the popup. """ if len(self._displayed_popups) >= self._max_popups: # display zone is full return WIDGET_HEIGHT = get_default_config("WIDGET_HEIGHT", "int") WIDGET_WIDTH = get_default_config("WIDGET_WIDTH", "int") PADDING = get_default_config("WIDGET_PADDING", "int") i = 0 # position of the popup in the display zone """Compact the remaining popups""" for popup in self._displayed_popups: popup.setGeometry(QRect(, self.ay + i * (WIDGET_HEIGHT + PADDING), WIDGET_WIDTH, WIDGET_HEIGHT)) i += 1 """Add new popups""" self._lock.acquire() if len(self._popup_queue) == 0: # empty queue self._lock.release() else: # notification waiting in queue new_notification = self._popup_queue.popleft() self._lock.release() self.display_popup(QRect(, self.ay + i * (WIDGET_HEIGHT + PADDING), WIDGET_WIDTH, WIDGET_HEIGHT), new_notification)
[docs] def display_popup(self, geom: QRect, notification): """Display a QWidget popup Play a sound if the program isn't muted Attributes: geom(QRect): position and size of the widget on the screen notification (Notification): the notification to display Exceptions: ValueError: In case of None or invalid QRect object as geom argument ValueError: In case of None or invalid Notification object as notification argument IndexError: If the number of displayed popups is greater or equal to the max number of displayed popups """ if not isinstance(geom, QRect) or geom is None: raise ValueError("Incorrect or None argument: geom") if not isinstance(notification, Notification) or notification is None: raise ValueError("Incorrect or None argument: notification") if not self.parent.MUTE: try: notification.get_sound().play() except pygame.error: logging.log(1, "unavailable audio device") # no audio device found by pygame on the computer popup = NotificationWidget(geom, notification) if len(self._displayed_popups) >= self._max_popups: raise IndexError("Display list full: no place for this popup") self._displayed_popups.append(popup) popup.popup_close.connect( self.close_popup) # to be able to update the NotificationCenter when the popup is closed
[docs] def close_popup(self, popup: NotificationWidget): """Triggered by a NotificationWidget when closed Remove the popup from the list and refresh the display zone. Attributes: popup: The NotificationWidget to remove from the display zone Exceptions: ValueError: If the user pass a None or incorrect popup object as argument. KeyError: If the popup isn't in the list and can't be removed """ if not isinstance(popup, NotificationWidget) or popup is None: raise ValueError("None or incorrect NotificationWidget object as argument") if popup not in self._displayed_popups: raise KeyError("The popup isn't currently displayed") self._displayed_popups.remove(popup) self.refresh()